
Andrés Alejos
18 min read
Members Public

Serving Spam Detection With XGBoost and Elixir

Learn how to detect spam with XGBoost and Elixir and serve the model for production use.

Andrés Alejos
10 min read
Members Public

Understanding the Elixir Machine Learning Ecosystem

An introduction to Machine Learning in Elixir through a glossary of libraries.

Andrés Alejos
13 min read
Members Public

From Python to Elixir Machine Learning

Moving on from Python Machine Learning might seem impossible. Let me break down why and how you can do it.

Andrés Alejos
8 min read
Members Public

5 Tips for Elixir Beginners

I first started looking into Elixir upon the recommendation of a friend of mine about the wonders of the language. My first foray into the language was over a year ago as I dipped my toe into the Phoenix Framework to see how it compared to something like ReactJS, the

Andrés Alejos
12 min read
Members Public

Supercharge Your Elixir with Native Implemented Functions (NIFs)

NIFs are a great way to implement fast native code in Elixir, and open the world of external APIs to Elixir developers